Learning Musical Terms in Context: The Role for Rich Multimedia Learning Technologies

H.H. Tsang and J. McCracken (Canada)


Music theory, computer aided education, pedagogical is sues, multimedia


In any student's education, it is important to provide oppor tunities for discovery and development of expressive out lets through artistic endeavors. Music education is one way to achieve this purpose. A traditional music curriculum typically includes instruction in both performance and the ory. The traditional teaching approach, however, artificially separates the performance and theoretical aspects of music education, creating a gap between the way in which stu dents can benefit from their theoretical knowledge of mu sic and its application to performance [1], [2]. The need to integrate music theory and performance was recognized by the Comprehensive Musicianship movement that sought to break the fragmented way in which theory was divorced from practice [3]. However, music students continue to practice and perform separately from the study of theory, thereby artificially separating what they see from what they hear. This paper presents a multimedia system for theory education utilizing the context of a musical score that can help music students view, hear, and manipulate musical no tation, thus bridging the gap between theory and perfor mance, and enhancing musicianship.

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