J.A. Hopkins and S.J. Wade (UK)
Postgraduate, soft systems, SSM, analysis
The postgraduate students of a school of Computing do the major work on their projects when taught classes have officially ended. This usually runs from end of May to end of August of an academic year. The entire postgraduate process involves many team players. Even though the MSc students have a vital role to play, there are many behind the scenes persons who work assiduously to ensure that the entire process flows smoothly. Despite the best of intentions, to err is human and the postgraduate project is not exempt from bottlenecks. This research uses Soft System Methodology (SSM) to explore the process involved in doing postgraduate projects. It seeks to search for and highlight any areas that can be improved. If discovered and deemed desirable and feasible, solutions can be provided in these areas by mapping the output of the SSM study as input to an object oriented software development process.
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