Using Software Tools to Support, Define and Enhance the Undergraduate Computer Science Curricula

D.J. Powell and J.K. Hollingsworth (USA)


Computer Science Curriculum, Interactive Development Environments.


Curricular guidelines for undergraduate programs in com puter science have been developed by The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula. These guidelines can be used to develop a curriculum that produces students capable of graduate work within computer science and students that can step into entry-level positions in industry. The Joint Task force defined the Computer Science Body of Knowl edge to identify and organize appropriate material for the curriculum. The conscience use of industry leading soft ware tools while teaching the undergraduate curriculum can lead to a number of advantages. The authors claim that the use of a single, industry leading, state of the art, interactive development environment (IDE) across the un dergraduate curriculum keeps the faculty and students cur rent with Java best practices. The IDE supports the cur riculum while providing interfaces and auxiliary tools that define how high quality software systems are specified, de signed, implemented, tested and maintained. The net result is a graduate who can productively step into an entry-level computer science position.

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