A Hybrid Distributed Congestion Control based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

H.M.P. Shekhar, A. Desaraju, A.D. Mandhar, and K.S. Ramanatha (India)


Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Congestion control, Routing, Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Queue management.


Rapid growth of information traffic in Internet resulted in the problem of congestion. Mobile Ad Hoc Network, which may be part of Internet or an isolated network, is no exception to this problem. In this paper we have investigated the importance of making routing protocols aware of network congestion in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. An adaptive hybrid congestion control mechanism has been designed which can be incorporated with routing protocols of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. The proposed congestion control mechanism adapts and calls one of the three congestion control strategies, hop-by-hop, rerouting or load shedding, based on the distance the packets have traveled so far. The simulation results show that the proposed hybrid congestion control mechanism when compared to end-to-end congestion, achieves better latency and throughput with effective use of networks resources.

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