An Online Computer Science Instructional Resource

C. Hill, B.M. Slator, V. Shanmugasundaram, and L.M. Daniels (USA)


Educational research, blended education, hybrid education.


An online system named ProgrammingLand, with a variety of useful features is described. The system is modeled after a museum where the students browse through exhibits. These exhibits provide the content material of lower level computer science classes. Although not obvious to the student, each exhibit visited is recorded and a lesson structure verifies that each student must satisfy certain requirements to complete a lesson. The entire system is learner centered so that the students choose what to do next. In addition interactive objects provide educational experiences and promote active learning. Some lessons provide an assignment that must be completed outside of the system, usually but not limited to programming assignments. The system contains a number of software agents to make it easy to use. It also contains features of a more traditional Learning Management System. The system has been successfully used as a substitute for a textbook and on a more limited basis as a vehicle for fully online, distance education.

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