Loop-based Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Y. Sagawa, T. Asano, and H. Higaki (Japan)


Mobile, Ad-hoc Networks, Routing Protocol


In an ad-hoc network, a routing protocol which detects a transmission route from a source mobile computer to a des tination one is critical due to mobility and limited battery capacity of computers. Here, a communication link be tween two mobile computers is not always bi-directional, i.e. uni-directional, since transmission power of mobile computers is not the same. Though some ad-hoc routing protocols, e.g. DSR, support routing with uni-directional links, multiple flooding (successive broadcasting) are used and communication overhead is high. This paper proposes a novel routing protocol LBSR supporting uni-directional links and based on combination of single flooding and uni cast message transmission.

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