Analysis of Suitability for Pseudorandom BIST of the RC6 Cipher

G.E. Mang and I. Mang (Romania)


Encryption, RC6, BIST, Cipher Data Flow Graph, Architecture Data Flow Graph.


In 1997, the National Institute of Standards and Technology initiated a process to select a symmetric-key encryption algorithm to be used to protect sensitive Federal Information. From the fifteen candidate algorithms, six where selected. One of them is the RC6 Cipher-block. In this paper we make an analysis of suitability for pseudorandom built-in self-test (BIST) of the RC6 algorithm. First, we describe the hardware architecture, based on the Architecture Data Flow Graph. To prove that each combinational level has by entrance a pseudo random data, we will show that the order of the involved operations and the operation type are relevant and not the number of instances of a certain operation. Also we will prove the random data property of RC6 and some important properties of the cipher that permits the implementation of an efficient BIST scheme to test the complete data path.

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