A Holistic Quality of Service (QoS) Model for Multimedia Communications

N. Sharda and M. Georgievski (Australia)


Quality of Service Model, QoS,Multimedia Communications, QoS Perspectives, QoSArchitectures, and QoS Protocols.


In this paper, we present a holistic Three Layer QoS (TRAQS) model comprising three perspective layers (User Perspective Layer (UPL), Application Perspective Layer (APL) and Transmission Perspective Layer (TPL)). By integrating these layers within multimedia communication systems we can provide seamless end-to end QoS to even a non-technical user. With the current growth of multimedia information transmission the need for efficient and cost effective multimedia communications is paramount. Current protocols, such as: TCP/IP, RSVP, ATM, MPLS, DiffServ, SBM, and architectures, such as: XRM, QoS-A, Heidelberg QoS Model, OSI QoS Framework, and IETF QM operate predominantly at the TPL without adequate consideration given to user and application perspectives. This leaves a large semantic gap between the user’s understanding of QoS and the system operation. By integrating the user, application as well as transmission perspectives, the TRAQS model bridges this semantic gap.

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