An Adaptive Wavelength Partitioning Scheme for Providing QoS in Optical WDM Networks

R.K. Shenai, N.M. Bhide, and K.M. Sivalingam (USA)


WDM, Quality-of-Service, Wavelength Partitioning, Light path


Most optical WDM network architectures studied in the past have considered the “best-effort” delivery model supporting a single traffic type. This paper presents a detailed study of a wavelength partitioning scheme that provides Quality-of Service (QoS) using service differentiation based upon pre defined traffic types, such as real-time and data traffic. The proposed method emphasizes on appropriately serving higher priority needs, while preventing lower priority traffic starva tion by using an adaptive wavelength borrowing framework. A detailed performance analysis of the proposed model is conducted to study the influence of parameters such as net work topology, traffic distribution, network load, and number of channels. The results show that the proposed wavelength partitioning scheme coupled with the QoS routing provides an excellent framework for supporting QoS in optical WDM wavelength routed backbone networks and performs up to 30% better in terms of blocking probability than the existing “best-effort” model.

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