Chain Conveyor System Simulation and Optimization

S.V. Sergueyevich, M.G. Ortega Rosales, J. Marcos García, L.A. Zamora Quintana, and R. Peña López (Mexico)


Simulation, optimization, design and analysis of experiments. NOMENCLATURE A Constant coefficient, [N]. Bj Constant coefficient for the conveyor path section j, [m/s2 ]. Te Chain pull, [N]. P Power required operating a conveyor, [Watt]. Mj Current total mass on the conveyor path section j, [kg]. V Velocity of the conveyor (chain speed), [m/s]. SUBSCRIPTS i Conveyor path section number. e Effective chain pull.


Today, our ability to simulate chain conveyor systems in the computer prior to cutting the first steel has tremendous potential for conveyor design engineers. The goal of the present research was to develop a simulation model of overhead monorail conveyor system and statistical methods for the analysis and multi objective optimization of the manufacturing process. Such systems provide connectivity to large area and buffering to streamline the material flow between machinery. We show how simulation and statistical analysis are influenced in the design methodology of chain accumulating conveyor system Aspects of experimental design in simulation and multiple response optimization of such systems are discussed. The report phase of this work is the determination of the optimum speed of conveyor, step of carriers and total capacity of the technological machines for the criteria of minimum drive power, time in system, lengths of queues, waiting time in unloading points etc. No substantive published work has been located which deals with these fundamental issues.

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