Modeling and Simulation of the External Unilateral Mechatronic Orthopaedic Fixator - Bone System

W. Choromanski, A. Lesniewska, G. Dobrzynski, and J. Deszczynski (Poland)


Orthopaedics, bone fracture, external stabilizer, functional treatment.


This study investigates a finite element study of fracture healing by means of an external fixation device. To study stress distribution, the analyses were performed under axial, variable-loaded boundary conditions, with different fracture sizes and different distances between the bone and the external fixation device. The results show that the stresses in the external fixation device are highest early in the fracture healing process and then gradually diminish throughout the healing process. The analyses were carried out using the package CATIA V5. The software made it possible to obtain a three-dimensional model more closely resembling the geometrical architecture of the long bone as well as that of the external fixation device. A three dimensional finite element model also offers the chance of obtaining relatively realistic results. However, the accuracy of the results depends not only on the quality of the modeled geometry, but also on the physical properties assigned to model components as well as on the accuracy of the simulation of the finite element model and of the optimized mesh generation.

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