A PVM Analyzer for Wireshark

C. Di Biagio, G. Pennella, A. Colicchia, F. Matturro, and M. Pizzonia (Italy)


PVM, Wireshark, network analyzer, sniffer.


The goal of this paper is to describe a new Wireshark (For merly known as Ethereal) plug-in able to analyse the PVM communication protocol. This plug-in has been developed in the context of the Italian branch of a multinational or ganization, which works in the domain of safety critical computing. PVM, which is the acronym for Parallel Vir tual Machine, is a message passing middleware designed to manage distributed applications. The aim of a PVM ana lyzer lies in the capability, for both system engineering and software developer, to monitor message exchange during a working session or a validation phase. This new plug-in al lows the user to correlate different communication streams and elaborate useful statistics to achieve a deep knowledge of the application context.

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