e-Learning using e-Learning

M. Nordmann (Germany)


Curriculum, e-learning, practical experience, blended learning, course


During the last winter term of 2006 we offered our students a course about e-learning for the first time. 11 students participated. The content of this course was to teach the main aspects of e-learning like the didactical and historical background, e-learning technologies and strategies, multimedia and authoring software typically used to produce e-learning applications, the use of a learning platform offering downloads, communication, collabora tion, web based training (WBT), online testing etc. We think, the best way of teaching e-learning means to use e-learning methods in combination with the well established concept of conventional presence lecturing using Powerpoints or a whiteboard. Together with computer based training (CBT) for homework, our course should be a good example for the blended learning concept, not only enriching but also integrating many e learning concepts. This paper sketches the curriculum, arrangement, and findings of our course. Chapter 2.7 might be of special interest, because it describes how we discovered the positive influence of good CBT design and layout on the students learning effect.

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