The Effect of Different Presentation Strategies with Educational Software

H. Shamir and S. Vanous (USA)


Software, evaluation, preschool


This study examined the effects that presenting material in various methods using a computer had on children’s reading skills. There were 185 preschool children who participated in one of four groups: mastery sequencer, adaptive sequencer, picture menu, and control. Children were pretested and posttested to determine which method of presentation was the most efficient. Gains were calculated for a variety of skills, including initial sound, letter naming, segmenting, and reading nonsense words. It was found that the children utilizing the mastery sequencer had the largest gains overall compared to any of the other three groups. This study emphasizes the importance of how material is presented using a computer. The content is not the only important aspect; how content is relayed to children has significant impact on their learning.

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