Development and Evaluation of a Lunar Observation Support System for Mobile Phones

H. Miyata, M. Suzuki, M. Fukahori, and T. Akamatsu (Japan)


u-Learning, Mobile Phone, CSCL, Web Database, Supports for observational studies in science education


A Lunar Observation Project that utilizes mobile phones was undertaken with junior high school students as the subjects. A “Lunar Observation Support System” that can be used with mobile phones was developed. Using this system, students observe the Moon in the open air and send observational data through their mobile phones to the server; the server automatically stores the data in a database. The system also possesses a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) feature through which students can share observational data with each other and engage in discussions. From a practical study, we found that students were able to send lunar observational data from their mobile phones effortlessly from the outdoors, and their interest, attention, attitude, and motivation toward nature observation improved. In addition, sharing each student’s observational record on the Web Database and engaging the students in discussions led to the correction of simple false beliefs that students often have, such as “the Moon can be seen only during the night” and “the Moon rises at the same time everyday.”

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