A. Uskov (USA)
Web-based education, university network, security, IPsec, VPN.
Until very recently, corporations (including big educational organizations) that needed to link computers and servers in geographically dispersed locations (even in different states and countries on separated continents) had to build their own wide area networks. In many cases, those networks were very expensive and relatively slow frame relay circuits. These days, university administrators, faculty and researchers enjoy a broadband Internet connection - an open but dreadfully insecure environment. This paper discusses results and outcomes of 5-year long active utilization of a very promising information security technology – the virtual private network (VPN) – in university environment; it 1) presents a conceptual model for IPsec VPN solutions for university networks (UN), 2) provides results of performance analysis of various authentication and encryption algorithms to be used for a secure transfer of streaming media files, and 3) describes specific IPsec VPN solutions for various types of UN users such as top-level administrators, faculty and learning content developers.
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