An Organic Mechanism Simulation Class in CI

Y. Chai, L. Jia, Z. Zhang, and M. Guo (PRC)


Computational Intelligence; SMB Classification Method; Organic Mechanism Simulation Class; Inorganic Mecha nism Simulation Class; Artificial Mechanism Simulation Class.


In this paper, we indicate a new classification method for CI, called Simulation Mechanism Based (SMB) method, through reviewing on definitions of CI and existed classifi cation methods. The SMB method divides all CI branches into three categories: organic mechanism simulation class, inorganic mechanism simulation class and artificial mecha nism simulation class. Furthermore, the nonlinear mapping model for each class and the hierarchical structure of indi vidual mechanism simulation class are discussed respec tively. The contribution of this paper exhibits an efficient and effective way to understand CI and deep commonalities among CI branches.

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