The Influence of Floodplain Areas in the Process of Eutrophication of Former Mining Ponds (Jacareí-SP/Brazil)

M.R. Aquino-Silva, E.J.B. Bastos, T.D. Santos, and I.C.F. Póvoa (Brazil)


Piezometers, sand mining pool, percolation, superficial flow


This study evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively the contribution of the floodplain areas in the process of eutrophication occurring in abandoned sand mining pools. The study was conducted from planialtimetric analysis of the region, the structural and textural soil characterization, the physicochemical and bacteriological characteristics of surface and subsurface water (through piezometers installed in the area), the local water balance, and an estimate calculation of the percolation. The results showed that water percolation slightly influenced the eutrophication of two ponds that are entirely covered with macrophytes, however, the main source of nutrients for the ponds is the superficial flow. To reduce the drag of nutrients and organic matter, the introduction of constructed wetlands is suggested. Moreover, the floodplain area was found to actually be an artificial pond, resulting from activity of earlier sand extraction and is thus now disfigured without soil characterization.

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