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Shengqing Li, Wenfeng Wu, and Dinghuan Ma
[1] R. Ni, D. Zheng F. Xu, and B. Cui, Simulation study on PVarray output characteristics, Power Electronics, 47(3), 2013,33–35.
[2] Y. Yang, B. Zhu, F. Zhao, et al., An adaptive and variablestep MPPT method based on current predictive controllers,Proceedings of the CSEE, 34(6), 2014, 855–862.
[3] B. Wan, S. Luo, and L. Kang, PV MPPT based on duty cycleperturbation control and its simulation, Renewable EnergyResources, 31(10), 2013, 5–9.
[4] Y. Chen, J. Zhou, J. Li, and L. Zhou, Application of gradientvariable step size MPPT algorithm in photovoltaic system,Proceedings of the CSEE, 39(17), 2014, 3156–3161.
[5] J. Gao and G. Li, Research on MPPT algorithm in combinationwith open circuit voltage and short circuit current, PowerSystem Protection and Control, 43(24), 2015, 96–101.
[6] A.R. Reisi, M.H. Moradi, and S. Jamasb, Classification andcomparison of maximum power point tracking techniques forphotovoltaic system: A review, Renewable and SustainableEnergy Reviews, 19, 2013, 433–443.
[7] Y. Yang and K. Zhou, Photovoltaic cell modeling and MPPTcontroller strategies, Transactions of China ElectrotechnicalSociety, 26(9), 2011, 2229–2234.
[8] H. Hang, W. Yang, and W. Zhu, Analysis and improvementof MPPT disturbance observer method for PV system, PowerSystem Protection and Control, 42(9), 2014, 110–114.
[9] K.L. Lian, J.H. Jhang, and I.S. Tian, A maximum power pointtracking method based on perturb-and-observe combined withparticle swarm optimization, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics,2(4), 2014, 626–633.
[10] L. Shanshou, Z. Xing, Z. Hongkai, et al., Global MPPTmethod based on power closed-loop control and PSO algorithm,Proceedings of the CSEE, 2014, 34(28), 4809–4816.
[11] A.A.S. Mohamed, A. Berzoy, and O.A. Mohammed, Designand hardware implementation of FL-MPPT controller of PVsystems based on GA and small-signal analysis, IEEE Trans-actions on Sustainable Energy, 1(8), 2017, 279–290.
[12] J. Fei and S. Wang, Feedback linearization-based adaptive fuzzysliding mode control of MEMS triaxial gyroscope, InternationalJournal of Robotics & Automation, 28(1), 2013, 72–80.
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[14] J. Yang and L. Zhu, Research on photovoltaic cell model basedon Matlab/Simulink, Modern Electronics Technique, 34(24),2011, 192–195.
[15] S. Kaitwanidvilai, P. Olranthichachat, and I. Ngamroo, Weightoptimization and structure specified robust H# loop-shapingcontrol of a pneumatic servo system using genetic algorithm,International Journal of Robotics & Automation, 25(3), 2010,229–239.
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[19] D. Zhou and Y. Chen, Maximum power point tracking strategybased on modified variable step-size incremental conductancealgorithm, Power System Technology, 39(6) 2015, 1491–1498.
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[28] K. Sundareswaran, V. Vignesh Kumar, and S. Palani, Appli-cation of a combined particle swarm optimization and perturband observe method for MPPT in PV systems under partialshading conditions, Renewable Energy, 75, 2015, 308–317.
[29] H. Rezk and A. Eltamaly, A comprehensive comparison ofdifferent MPPT techniques for photovoltaic systems, SolarEnergy, 112, 2015, 1–11.
[30] Y. Chen, Z. Lai, and R. Liang, A novel auto-scaling variablestep-size MPPT method for a PV system, Solar Energy, 2014,102, 247–256.
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