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Yi Liu, Ming Cong, Hang Dong, and Dong Liu
[1] M.P. Tsai, N.C. Tsai, and C.W. Yeh, On milling of thin-wallconical and tubular workpieces, Mechanical Systems and SignalProcessing, 72–73, 2016, 395–408.
[2] M.Y. Xiao and H. Nagamochi, An improved exact algorithmfor TSP in graphs of maximum degree 4, Theory of ComputingSystems, 58(2), 2016, 241–272.
[3] H.C. Song, Y.L. Kim, and J.B. Song, Guidance algorithmfor complex-shape peg-in-hole strategy based on geometricalinformation and force control, Advanced Robotics, 30(8), 2016,552–563.
[4] D. Silver, et al., Mastering the game of Go with deep neuralnetworks and tree search, Nature, 529(7587), 2016, 484.
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[6] M. Mahmoodi, K. Alipour, and H.B. Mohammadi, KidVO:A kinodynamically consistent algorithm for online motionplanning in dynamic environments, Industrial Robot – AnInternational Journal, 43(1), 2016, 33–47.
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[9] J. Fang, T. Mei, J. Zhao, and T. Liet al., A dual-modeonline optimization method for trajectory tracking of redundantmanipulators, Industrial Robot – An International Journal,43(2), 2016, 241–252.
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[12] Y. Lu, Y. Liu, and N.J. Ye, Dynamics analysis of a novel 5-DoF3SPU+2SPRR type parallel manipulator, Advanced Robotics,30(9), 2016,. 595–607.
[13] H.S. Liu, X.B. Lai, and W.X. Wu, Time-optimal and jerk-continuous trajectory planning for robot manipulators withkinematic constraints, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29(2), 2013, 309–317.
[14] W.F. Xu, B. Liang, and Y.S. Xu, Practical approaches to handlethe singularities of a wrist-partitioned space manipulator, ActaAstronautica, 68(1–2), 2011, 269–300.
[15] K. Nanos and E. Papadopoulos, Avoiding dynamic singulari-ties in cartesian motions of free-floating manipulators, IEEETransactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 51(3),2015, 2305–2318.
[16] K. Baizid, A. Yousnadj, A. Amal Meddahi, R. Chellali, and J.Iqbal, Time scheduling and optimization of industrial robotizedtasks based on genetic algorithms, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 34, 2015, 140–150.
[17] F. Liu and F. Lin, Time-jerk optimal planning of indus-trial robot trajectories, International Journal of Robotics &Automation, 31(1), 2016, 1–7.
[18] T.L. Mai, Y.N. Wang, and T. Ngo, Adaptive tracking controlfor robot manipulators using fuzzy wavelet neural networks,International Journal of Robotics & Automation, 30(1), 2015,26–39.
[19] M. Sadeghzadeh, D. Calvert, and H.A. Abdullah, Autonomousvisual servoing of a robot manipulator using reinforcementlearning, International Journal of Robotics & Automation,31(1), 2016, 26–38.
[20] C.B. Moon and W. Chung, Kinodynamic planner dual-treeRRT (DT-RRT) for two-wheeled mobile robots using therapidly exploring random tree, IEEE Transactions on Indus-trial Electronics, 62(2), 2015, 1080–1090.
[21] A.H. Qureshi and Y. Ayaz, Intelligent bidirectional rapidly-exploring random trees for optimal motion planning in complexcluttered environments, Robotics and Autonomous Systems,68, 2015, 1–11.
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