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Zhengfa Li, Jianwei Zhang, Haining Wang, and Yijun Bao
[1] K. Jain and A. Saxena, Simulation on supplier sidebidding strategy at day-ahead electricity market using antlion optimizer, Journal of Computational and CognitiveEngineering, 2(1), 2023, 17–27.
[2] Y. Tang and Y. Huang, Research on construction technologyof deep foundation pit of high voltage transmission line inplateau area, Academic Journal of Science and Technology,4(2), 2022, 112–115.
[3] X. Song, Y. Chen, C. Bo, and J. Wu, Response control ofa transmission tower-line system under wind excitations byelectromagnetic inertial mass dampers, Advances in StructuralEngineering, 25(16), 2022, 3334–3348.
[4] A.B. Jeddi, A. Shafieezadeh, J. Hur, J.G. Ha, D. Hahm,and M.K. Kim, Multi-hazard typhoon and earthquakecollapse fragility models for transmission towers: An activelearning reliability approach using gradient boosting classifiers,Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 51(15),2022, 3552–3573.
[5] H. Zuo and H. Guo, Nonlinear damage identification methodof transmission tower structure based on general expression forlinear and nonlinear autoregressive model and Itakura distance,Structural Health Monitoring, 22(1), 2023, 19–38.
[6] P.Y. Kong and Y. Song, Artificial-neural-network-assistedsensor clustering for robust communication network in IoT-based electricity transmission line monitoring, IEEE Internetof Things Journal, 9(17), 2022, 16701–16713.
[7] M.R.M. Asyraf, M.R. Ishak, A. Syamsir, A.L. Amir,N.M. Nurazzi, M.N.F. Norrrahim, and M.R. Razman, Filament-wound glass-fibre reinforced polymer composites: Potentialapplications for cross arm structure in transmission towers,Polymer Bulletin, 80(2), 2023, 1059–1084.
[8] J.A. Bennett, C.N. Trevisan, J.F. DeCarolis, C. Ortiz-Garc´ıa,M. P´erez-Lugo, B.T. Etienne, and A.F. Clarens, Extendingenergy system modelling to include extreme weather risks andapplication to hurricane events in Puerto Rico, Nature Energy,6(3), 2021, 240–249.
[9] ¨U.K. ˙I¸sleyen, R. Ghoroubi, ¨O. Mercimek, ¨O. Anil, andR.T. Erdem, Behavior of glulam timber beam strengthenedwith carbon fiber reinforced polymer strip for flexural loading,Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 40(17–18),2021, 665–685.
[10] B. Zhao, D. Wu, and Z. Lu, Shaking table test and numericalsimulation of the vibration control performance of a tuned massdamper on a transmission tower, Structure and InfrastructureEngineering, 17(8), 2021, 1110–1124.
[11] T.H. Nguyen and A.T. Vu, Weight optimization of steellattice transmission towers based on Differential Evolution andmachine learning classification technique, Frattura ed Integrit`aStrutturale, 16(59), 2022, 172–187.
[12] V.E. Ogbonna, A.P.I. Popoola, O.M. Popoola, andS.O. Adeosun, A review on corrosion, mechanical, and electricalproperties of glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composites forhigh-voltage insulator core rod applications: Challenges andrecommendations, Polymer Bulletin, 79(9), 2022, 6857–6884.
[13] E. Tapia-Hern´andez and D. De-Le´on-Escobedo, Vulnerabilityof transmission towers under intense wind loads, Structure andInfrastructure Engineering, 18(9), 2022, 1235–1250.
[14] Z. Qiu, X. Zhu, C. Liao, D. Shi, Y. Kuang, Y. Li, andY. Zhang, Detection of bird species related to transmissionline faults based on lightweight convolutional neural network,IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 16(5), 2022,869–881.
[15] X. Lei, D.M. Siringoringo, Z. Sun, and Y. Fujino, Displacementresponse estimation of a cable-stayed bridge subjected tovarious loading conditions with one-dimensional residual con-volutional autoencoder method, Structural Health Monitoring,22(3), 2023, 1790–1806.
[16] W. Wang, K. Chen, Y. Bai, Y. Chen, and J. Wang, Newestimation method of wind power density with three-parameterWeibull distribution: A case on Central Inner Mongolia suburbs,Wind Energy, 25(2), 2022, 368–386.
[17] M. Puccioni and G.V. Iungo, Spectral correction of turbulentenergy damping on wind lidar measurements due to spatial7averaging, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(2), 2021,1457–1474.
[18] Q. Zhang, J. He, Y. Xu, Z. Hong, Y. Chen, and K. Strunz,Average-value modelling of direct-driven PMSG-based windenergy conversion systems, IEEE Transactions on EnergyConversion, 37(1), 2021, 264–273.
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