Designing the CSCL Environment for Bilingual Deaf Education

N.H. Arai, T. Takahashi, and Y. Katagiri


  1. [1] N.H. Arai, E-classroom: How can we effectively use digitalcontent in a distance education system?: An invited talk,LowRi200; abstracts can be found at∼ashimoji/LoRwi2003/.
  2. [2] Deafness–A guide for parents, teachers and community workers,United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Oranizations, 2000, available at
  3. [3] R.J. Mayberry, First-language acquisition after childhood differs from second-language acquisition: The case of American Sign Language, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 36, 1993, 1258–1270.
  4. [4] N.H. Arai, E-classroom project, Preprints 40th Annual Meetings on Information Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2003, 123–128 (in Japanese).
  5. [5] T. Takahashi, Y. Katagiri, & C. Bartneck, Show me what you mean: Expressive media for online communities, Proc. CHI2003 Workshop "Subtle Expressivity for Characters and Robots", Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 2003, 19–22.
  6. [6] Y. Nakano & N. Satoh, Reading performance of deaf children, 2, Preprints 9th National Conf. on Special Education, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 1971, 33-34 (in Japanese).

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