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Shanifa Beevi, Johnson Mathew and Vincent George
[1] M.A. Elgendy, B. Zahawi, S. Member, and D.J. Atkinson, Assessment of the incremental conductance maximum power point tracking algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 4(1), 2013, 108–117.
[2] T. Esram and P.L. Chapman, Comparison of photovoltaic array maximum power point tracking techniques, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 22(2), 2007, 439–449.
[3] B. Subudhi and R. Pradhan, A comparative study on maximum power point tracking techniques for photovoltaic power systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 4(1), 2013, 89–98.
[4] B.N. Alajmi, K.H. Ahmed, S.J. Finney, and B.W. Williams, Fuzzy-logic-control approach of a modified hill-climbing method for maximum power point in microgrid standalone photovoltaic system, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 26(4), 2011, 1022–1030.
[5] B.S. Nishant Kumar, I. Hussain, and B.K. Panigrahi, Frame- work of maximum power extraction from solar PV panel using self predictive perturb and observe algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(2), 2018, 895–903.
[6] A. Jubael and Z. Salam, An enhanced adaptive P & O MPPT for fast and environmental conditions, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(3), 2018, 1487–1496.
[7] O. Lopez Santos, G. Garcia, L. Martinez Salamero, R. Giral, E. Vidal Idiarte, M.C. Merchan Riveros, and Y. Moreno Guzman, Analysis, design, and implementation of a static conductance-based MPPT methods, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(2), 2019, 1960–1979.
[8] T.S. Babu, J.P. Ram, T. Dragicevic, M. Miyatake, F. Blaabjerg, and N. Rajasekar, Particle swarm optimization based solar PV array reconfiguration of the maximum power extraction under partial shading conditions, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(1), 2017, 74–85.
[9] S. Selvakumar, M. Madhusmita, C. Koodalsamy, S. Pulikottil Simon, and Y. R. Sood, High-speed maximum power point tracking module for PV systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(2), 2019, 1119–1129.
[10] H. Li, D. Yang, W. Su, J. Lu, and X. Yu, An overall distribution particle swarm optimization MPPT algorithm for photovoltaic system under partial shading, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(1), 2019, 265–275.
[11] M. Hejri, H. Mokhtari, M.R. Azizian, M. Ghandhari, and S. Lennart, On the parameter extraction of a five-parameter double-diode model of photovoltaic cells and modules, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 4(3), 2014, 915–923.
[12] M.G. Villalva, J.R. Gazoli, and E.R. Filho, Comprehensive approach to modeling and simulation of photovoltaic arrays, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 24(5), 2009, 1198–1208.
[13] S. Beevi and V. George, A detailed investigation of PV parameter estimation under varying climatic conditions, IEEE Int. Conf. Next Generation Intelligent Systems, Kerala, India, 2016, 1–6.
[14] S. Beevi, J. Mathew, and V. George, A high-performance instantaneous resistance maximum power point tracking algorithm, IEEE Seventh India Int. Conf. Power Electronics, Panjab, India, 2016, 354–358.
[15] C. Won, D. Kim, W. Kim, and H. Kim, A new maximum power point tracker of photovoltaic arrays using fuzzy controller, 25th Annu. IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conf., Seol, Korea, June 20–25, 1994, 396–403.[1] M.A. Elgendy, B. Zahawi, S. Member, and D.J. Atkinson, Assessment of the incremental conductance maximum power point tracking algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 4(1), 2013, 108–117.[2] T. Esram and P.L. Chapman, Comparison of photovoltaic array maximum power point tracking techniques, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 22(2), 2007, 439–449.[3] B. Subudhi and R. Pradhan, A comparative study on maximum power point tracking techniques for photovoltaic power systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 4(1), 2013, 89–98.[4] B.N. Alajmi, K.H. Ahmed, S.J. Finney, and B.W. Williams, Fuzzy-logic-control approach of a modified hill-climbing method for maximum power point in microgrid standalone photovoltaic system, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 26(4), 2011, 1022–1030.[5] B.S. Nishant Kumar, I. Hussain, and B.K. Panigrahi, Frame- work of maximum power extraction from solar PV panel using self predictive perturb and observe algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(2), 2018, 895–903.[6] A. Jubael and Z. Salam, An enhanced adaptive P & O MPPT for fast and environmental conditions, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(3), 2018, 1487–1496.[7] O. Lopez Santos, G. Garcia, L. Martinez Salamero, R. Giral, E. Vidal Idiarte, M.C. Merchan Riveros, and Y. Moreno Guzman, Analysis, design, and implementation of a static conductance-based MPPT methods, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(2), 2019, 1960–1979.[8] T.S. Babu, J.P. Ram, T. Dragicevic, M. Miyatake, F. Blaabjerg, and N. Rajasekar, Particle swarm optimization based solar PV array reconfiguration of the maximum power extraction under partial shading conditions, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9(1), 2017, 74–85.[9] S. Selvakumar, M. Madhusmita, C. Koodalsamy, S. Pulikottil Simon, and Y. R. Sood, High-speed maximum power point tracking module for PV systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(2), 2019, 1119–1129.[10] H. Li, D. Yang, W. Su, J. Lu, and X. Yu, An overall distribution particle swarm optimization MPPT algorithm for photovoltaic system under partial shading, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(1), 2019, 265–275.[11] M. Hejri, H. Mokhtari, M.R. Azizian, M. Ghandhari, and S. Lennart, On the parameter extraction of a five-parameter double-diode model of photovoltaic cells and modules, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 4(3), 2014, 915–923.[12] M.G. Villalva, J.R. Gazoli, and E.R. Filho, Comprehensive approach to modeling and simulation of photovoltaic arrays, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 24(5), 2009, 1198–1208.[13] S. Beevi and V. George, A detailed investigation of PV parameter estimation under varying climatic conditions, IEEE Int. Conf. Next Generation Intelligent Systems, Kerala, India, 2016, 1–6.[14] S. Beevi, J. Mathew, and V. George, A high-performance instantaneous resistance maximum power point tracking algorithm, IEEE Seventh India Int. Conf. Power Electronics, Panjab, India, 2016, 354–358.[15] C. Won, D. Kim, W. Kim, and H. Kim, A new maximum power point tracker of photovoltaic arrays using fuzzy controller, 25th Annu. IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conf., Seol, Korea, June 20–25, 1994, 396–403.
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