Jafar Tavoosi


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  13. [13] J. Tavoosi, A.S. Jokandan, and M.A. Daneshwar, A new methodfor position control of a 2-DOF robot arm using neuro—Fuzzycontroller, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3),2012, 2253–2257.
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  17. [17] J. Tavoosi, A new type-2 fuzzy systems for flexible-joint robotarm control, AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation, 2019,DOI: 10.22060/miscj.2019.14478.5108.
  18. [18] Y.P. Asad, A. Shamsi, and J. Tavoosi, Backstepping-basedrecurrent type-2 fuzzy sliding mode control for MIMO systems(MEMS triaxial gyroscope case study), International Jour-nal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,25(2), 2017, 213–233.
  19. [19] Y.P. Asad, A. Shamsi, H. Ivani, and J. Tavoosi, Adaptiveintelligent inverse control of nonlinear systems with regard tosensor noise and parameter uncertainty (magnetic ball levitaionsystem case study), International Journal on Smart Sensingand Intelligent Systems, 9 (1), 2016, 148–169.
  20. [20] J. Tavoosi and M.A. Badamchizadeh, A class of type-2 fuzzyneural networks for nonlinear dynamical system identification,Neural Computing & Application, 23(3), 2013, 707–717.
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  23. [23] J. Tavoosi, A.A. Suratgar, and M.B. Menhaj, Stability analysisof recurrent type-2 TSK fuzzy systems with nonlinear conse-quent part, Neural Computing & Applications, 28(1), 2015,47–56.
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  25. [25] J. Tavoosi, A.A. Suratgar, and M.B. Menhaj, Nonlinear systemidentification based on a self-organizing type-2 fuzzy RBFN,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 54, 2016,26–38.
  26. [26] J. Tavoosi, A.A. Suratgar, and M.B. Menhaj, Stable ANFIS2for nonlinear system identification, Neurocomputing, 182, 2016,235–246.
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