Petri-Net based Interactive Behavior Specification and Control to Support Virtual Maintaining Training

T.-L. Sun, W.-C. Shiao, and W.-L. Kuo (Taiwan)


Virtual reality, interactive behaviour specification, Petri net, maintenance training


The interactive 3D human-computer interface provided by virtual reality (VR) technology enables safe and cost effective maintenance training. The VR-based maintenance training systems could be designed with different levels of interactions. At the lowest level of interaction, the training system only provides step-by-step instructions to tell the trainee how to perform a disassembly sequence. Such guided-mode training is suitable at early training stage. For in-depth training, the training system should allow more flexible interaction. The trainee is no longer instructed by the computer; instead, he has to practice the disassembly sequence by himself. Programming the interactive behaviour of a VR model to support such free-mode training is difficult and complicated. This paper describes a Petri Net-based approach to define and control the interactive behaviours of a VR model for free-mode maintenance training. At modeling stage, Petri net is used as a high-level, graphical language for system designers to define the interactive behaviour of a VR model. When the VR model is executed, Petri net will steer the simulation to control the interactive behaviour of the VR model. The graph-guided approach allows effective VR model interactive behaviours specification to support free-mode, interactive maintenance training.

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