Combination of Models and Logs for Visual Analysis of Data from Usability Evaluation

I. Maly, P. Slavik, and J. Kleindienst (Czech Republic)


Usability testing, Task model, Application log, Voice applications


In this paper we present a new visualization method for analysis of the usability test data provided in a log file form. In contrast to the traditional approach, our method uses also the data from the application task and dialog models to give the usability expert detailed log file visualizations with alternative paths. We show the use of the new approach on the example of voice applications, where it appears to be especially suitable. In addition, we describe architecture of a work-in-progress analytical tool that supports such dialog and task based visualizations. As the task models foster deeper understanding of usability data, we believe this approach makes it much easier for developers and for usability experts to communicate over the usability issues.

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