Environmental Management and Engineering    (EME 2009)

July 6 – 8, 2009
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Editor(s): M.H. Hamza
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Biomas Co-Firing for Emissions Reduction in Coal Power Plants FreeSubscription
650-802 Air Emissions from Co-Firing Woodwaste/Peat and Lignite in a Fluidized Bed
C. Badour, A. Gilbert, H. Li, Y. Shao, G. Tourigny, F. Preto, and C. Xu (Canada)
650-803 Current Status and Prospect of the Biomass Resources and Utilization of Bio-Energy in China
D. Cang, L. Zhao, and Y. Li (PR China)
650-804 Direct Substitution of Coal with Wood Pellets during Full-Scale Tests in a Wall-Fired Boiler: Effect on Gaseous Emissions of NOx, CO, CO2, and SO2
P. Geddis and M. Thomson (Canada)
650-805 Catalytic Gasification of Woody Biomass in Air/CO2 Media
S. Hurley, H. Li, and X. Xu (Canada)
650-806 Beneficial Use of Fly-Ash from Co-Combustion of Lignite and Wood Pellets in Blended Cement
A. Johnson, S. Kinrade, and L.J.J. Catalan (Canada)
650-807 Paper Mills Biofilms: A Comprehensive Study
S. Kurissery, N. Kanavillil, L. Davey, K.T. Leung, H. Schraft, A. Chen, N. Low, L. Truelstrup-Hansen, A. Paulsen, and D. Pink (Canada)
650-808 Biomass Program Results at Ontario Power Generation
R. Lyng and L. Marshall (Canada)
650-810 Heat Flux Monitoring in Biomass-Fired Boilers: Possible Areas of Improvement
Z. Hu and D. Matovic (Canada)
650-811 From Biomass to Biocarbon - Trends and Tradeoffs when Co-Firing
H. McLaughin (Canada)
650-812 Utilization of Coal/Biomass Fly Ash in Reactive Barriers for Treating Acid Mine Drainage
K. Penney, E. Mohamedelhassan, and L.J.J. Catalan (Canada)
650-813 Characterization of Deposited Ash during Co-Firing of Peat and Lignite in a Fluidized Bed Combuster
Y. Shao, J. Zhu, F. Preto, G. Tourigny, J. Wang, C. Badour, H. Li, and C. Xu (Canada)
650-814 Pretreatment of Peat using Hydrogen Peroxide for Delignification
W. Shi, C. Xu, and B. Liao (Canada)
650-815 Peat Fuel - A Sustainable Bioenergy Resource
P.G. Telford (Canada)
Track Environmental Management FreeSubscription
650-007 Time Series Modeloing of Nitrogen Concentration and Nitrogen Concentration and Nitrogen Flux in the Lower Yangtze River, 1963-1997
K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)
650-014 Extended Kalman Filtering to Improve the Accuracy of a Subsurface Contaminant Transport Model
S.-Y. Chang and S.M.I. Latif (USA)
650-027 Risk based Management and Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Contaminated Site in Cold Climate
M.S. Kuyukina, I.B. Ivshina (Russia), T.A. Peshkur, and C.J. Cunningham (UK)
650-037 Recent Development in Geomatics Approach to Epidemics Management System
H. Assilzadeh, Y. Gao (Canada), and J.K. Levy (USA)
650-061 Long-Term Care Facilities in Ontario, Canada: A Waste Management Overview
J. Gales, A. Roy-Poirier, and P. Champagne (Canada)
650-063 Acid Catalyzed Subcritical Water Conversion of Japanese Red Pine Wood (Pinus Densiflora) into Valuable Chemicals
F.S. Asghari and H. Yoshida (Japan)
650-065 Occurrence and fate of Trace Metals In and Around Treatment and Disposal Facilities in Limpopo Province, South Africa: A Case Study of Two Areas
J.S. Ogala, L. Chimuka, and D. Maina (S. Africa)
650-072 Effect of Water Content on the Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Hydrocarbons from Drilling Waste
C.R. Jones and S.E. Guigard (Canada)
650-075 TimeLagged Recurrent Network for Forecasting River Suspended Sediment Load in Southern Taiwan
Y.-M. Wang, S. Traore, and W.-G. Chung (Taiwan)
Track Air Quality, Clean Energy, Conservation and Recycling FreeSubscription
650-006 Impacts of Steel Grades and Stack Lengths on Energy Efficiency of Small Capacitor Start Motors
K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)
650-011 Site -Planning and -Optimizing of Wind Farms
W. Schellong and M. Weimbs (Germany)
650-015 Reduction in Emmision of Biogas Released from a Small Pig Farm in Thailand
T. Wongwuttanasatian and K. Wichettapong (Thailand)
650-022 Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Oxygen Content on Toluene Biofiltration
Z.M. Shareefdeen (UAE)
650-046 Pollutants Removal from Syngas using Carbon Materials
S.S.K. Al-Dury and Z. Skála
650-062 In-Situ Capturing of H2S(g) Associated with SAGD Operations
N.N. Nassar and M.M. Husein (Canada)
650-076 An Analysis on Recycling of Non-Metal Material from Waste Printed Circuit Board
S. Wang, H. Duan, W. Jia, and J. Li (PRC)
650-079 Coal Combustion and Mercury Emissions in China, 1984-2004
K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)
650-080 Behavioural Energy Savings: Measuring the Impact of Customer Rewards on Consumption using a Quasi-Experiment
K.H. Tiedemann (Canada)
650-081 Overall Policies to Deal with Multi-Modal Transport Emissions: A System-of-Systems Approach
D.B. Agusdinata, D.N. Fry, and D.A. DeLaurentis (USA)
650-082 Solar Thermal Water Heating: An Application for Alberta, Canada
T. Jackman, R. Lonseth, A. Lonseth, and K. Jagoda (Canada)
Track Environmental Impact Assessment, Engineering and Wastewater Treatment FreeSubscription
650-010 Industry's Responses Towards Increasing Demand for Environmental Sustainability: A Longitudinal Study
H. Madsen and J.P. Ulhøi
650-016 Environmental Assessment of Land Degradation: A Case Study of NW Himalayas, Pakistan
K. Khan, A.S. Almas, and M.N. Chaudhry (Pakistan)
650-033 Residual Concentration of Gasoline in Unsaturated Zone - Effects of Tempurature, Soil Type and Water Content
J. Nishiwaki, Y. Kawabe, Y. Sakamoto, and T. Komai (Japan)
650-035 The Investigation of an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) in Wastewater Treatment: A Field Pilot Study
L.-S. Wong, C. McCullagh, P.M. Pollard, S. Officer, and H.B. Mafe (UK)
650-036 Energy Analysis of Sustainable NPD of Green Power Parks
Z.A. Qureshi (Canada)
650-042 Radiolytic Degradation Kinetics of 2,4-Dichlorophenol in Aqueous Solution by Gamma Ray/O3/H2O2
J. Hu and J. Wang (PRC)
650-050 Analysis of Transient Ground Surface Displacements due to an Impulsive Point Sink in an Elastic Half Space
J.C.-C. Lu and F.-T. Lin (Taiwan)
650-051 A Decommissioned Landfill Reclamation Case Study: Belle Park, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
S. Speer, P. Champagne, and B. Anderson (Canada)
650-054 Solubilization and Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Microemulsions
J.W.C. Wong, Z.Y. Zhao, J. Yang, and S.Y. Wong (PRC)
650-058 Study of Extraction Process Utilizing Supercritical Fluid for Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Y.-T. Chin, C. Lin, and Y.-M. Wang (Taiwan)
650-060 Comparison of Selenite and Selenate Adsorption with Iron-Coated GAC
N. Zhang, D. Gang, and L.-S. Lin (USA)
Track Additional Papers FreeSubscription
650-074 Land Management and its Effects on Intensity of the Urban Heat Island: A Case Study on City of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I.S.M. Elsayed (Saudi Arabia)
650-809 Greenhouse Gas Emmision Reduction by Biomass Co-Combustion with Lignite
M. Matei, L. Matei, B. Soare, O. Nedelcu, C. Salisteanu, I. Udroiu, and S. Mihaescu (Romania)
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ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-797-0 ;
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